January 1, 2018 Blog

Significance Of D-24 Chart In Education


Chaturvimshamsha (or D-24) is the divisional chart, which is given importance for judging the quality- and extent- of education. Every divisional chart has it's own significator (or karaka) -- whose sign-position, house-position, essential dignity (that is, if exalted or in own-sign), it's association, etc -- all in the same D-24 divisional chart is carefully considered. The situation of planets in the various education-related houses (2nd = Aptitude, proficiency; 3rd = Skill of writing, informal studies; 4th = General education (graduation degree/ diploma); 5th = Intelligence, memory, merit; 9th = Higher education (Post-graduation/ professional qualification; 10th = Knowledge; 11th = Realization of the object in view) are to be noted carefully. Mercury's situation in movable (chara) signs in the D-24 chart indicates that the person will be capable of thinking very fast and arrive at conclusions almost instantly. The situation of Mars in any sign of Mercury (Gemini or Virgo) further enhances it. The situation of the 4th-lord -- of the natal chart -- if situated in any sign of Mercury (Gemini or Virgo) indicates the possibility of having good education (graduation degree/ diploma). Similarly the situation of the 9th-lord -- again of the natal chart -- if situated in any sign of Mercury (Gemini or Virgo) indicates the possibility of having higher education (post-graduation/ professional qualification). As is customarily considered in natal charts, in D-24 chart also, if the lord of an angular (kendra) house is situated in a trinal (trikona) house, or vice-versa, or if one angular lord is conjoined with one trinal lord, then it indicates a fair degree of possibility that the person will have education in an "application-oriented" field; engineering or technology may have some chance.