April 12, 2018 Blog

Horoscope Of 14 April


By: Pushtiie

Aries: Have you been complaining about not having enough? Take a different route to bring things in. Start thinking what you already have and it will bring in more. Gratitude always works the best in all cases.

Taurus: This is the day to clearly ask someone to help you with the things you need help for. It is the time for a community not for flying solo. Involving others will only grow the basic energy.

Gemini: The nudge today is to have a look at the kind of food you eat and how it affects you. It’s time to take care of your body with the right kind of nutrients, eaten or felt.

Cancer: You are getting a lot of ideas today. These are all great ideas to put into motion for a beautiful and successful outcome. These are also forms of blessings that will take you further beloved Cancer.

Leo: Quiet time is prescribed for you today. Take a weekend off from technology, family, friends, books, anything that will add to mental chatter. Calm yourself down and then look within for what you really want, Leo.

Virgo: Being in debt is like carrying a boulder on your shoulders and not knowing when you will set it down. It can be financial or emotional. Facing it and even discussing it can bring help today.

Libra: You have been able to keep your focus on what you want and this is going to bring you a PROMOTION. Be it work or personal life. There is good news waiting for you today, Libra!

Scorpio: Everything around you seems to be very cluttered nowadays. Today is the ideal day to organize everything in your working environment. To donate whatever you do not need, in the process, is also a great feeling.

Sagittarius: If you have just had a potential set back in any area of your life, know that it is temporary. This will get better as soon as you pump in the energy of faith in it.

Capricorn: You have some important things out work on in your life right now. Block out any kind of distractions and stay laser-focused on the issue at hand. You already know, well, what the distractions are.

Aquarius: The energy today is that of partnerships. In your love life, specially, and your work life, allow a [partner to come and share with you. This will bring new skills and resources in your life, Aquarius.

Pisces: The only thing that limits you is your mind. There is nothing that will truly stand in your way unless you think it into reality. Check your thoughts today and change what you need to, immediately.