March 28, 2018 Blog

Horoscope Of 1 April


By: Pushtiie

Aries: Much is going to get sorted out today and that is a blessing. But there could also be things that start going downhill from today. But this is a temporary phase. Will be easy to handle.

Taurus: Time for some solitude for you Taurus. You need to heal and introspect today. There is much you are thinking about that needs clarity, and it will come from within you. Take time for the self.

Gemini: There is so much to settle today. Take a step back and just look and take in all that is available to you. You have a few decisions to make to ease the path before you.

Cancer: You are using your second power... the mind, today. This experience will be beautiful and make you fly if you are aware. Just be careful not to cut away things that may still be important and interesting.

Leo: Learn to share. Put others first and you will be a happier person today. It is not the day to be selfish and put yourself before everyone else. Honor the others see the magic you create.

Virgo: You will have a lot of ideas about things today. But they are just that. IDEAS. Right now isn’t the time to put them into action. Wait for the right moment and they will be successful.

Libra: Today you seem to be in the mood to get more than you want to give. Which is ok, as long as you don’t overdo the taking and balance it with a little giving.  Start Grounding.

Scorpio: Your energy is high and you are in the mood to be productive. Don’t push yourself or the people around you too much. Patience is a virtue that will save the day. Call upon it today!

Sagittarius: A small battle has been won for sure. Take a few minutes to enjoy the party and then get back to planning and working on what comes next. You still have the war on your hands.

Capricorn: There is a new beginning to a relationship, house, some money and also fitness in your day. Remember to let things take their natural course and you will be of great benefit today. Spend time in nature.

Aquarius: Stay in the present beloved. The past can be reflected upon in a moment of need. But staying there is not going to help. Pay attention to your health. You are safe and guarded. Rest assured.

Pisces: There is something new coming to your life and you seem to be ignoring it completely. Don’t be so caught up in all that bores you. Take a chance at becoming interested and interesting for the self.